Monday, August 31, 2009

July 29, 2009 The Success Report

I was curious to learn what the experience of others had been at the iPOP Convention. I went to the iPOP and JRP websites to read what was available and decided to “cut and paste” a few comments onto a document to make an informational flyer.

Due to many unfortunate “scam-type” scenarios floating around the entertainment industry, I felt I needed to have some documentation to show people why I was not foolish or crazy in promoting this particular project.

My research snowballed; I was surprised that my little single page report was turning into a lengthy document. There were piles of comments from agents, parents and participants. Just in the recent past, Seattle performers from iPOP have gone on to perform on TV shows, and commercials, print ads, European fashion shows and had featured parts in movies such as Jim Carey’s “Yes Man” and “Pirates of the Caribbean.”

So, after studying the research, here is my perspective: This is, obviously, a “for-profit” venture just like taking your child to piano lessons to prepare for a final recital or paying an accountant & lawyer to set up a small business. The Seattle-based JRP acting school and their team of coaches will be making money, as will the LA hotel that sponsors the convention, the staff that produces the convention, the airline that flies the participants to LA….

No promises have been made regarding future contracts or even future interest by the agents observing the performances. What is “promised” is a concentrated introduction to many targeted entertainment professionals at once, the learning that comes from attending workshops taught by qualified presenters, the un-quantified experience of meeting and performing with hundreds of others who love the arts, and the absolute joy of performing in a professional setting and connecting with a large audience.

On a personal note, this will be a rare opportunity to have a unified experience with my youngest daughter and youngest son, to watch them learn and grow, to just “play” with them. For myself, I just want to sing on a stage under colorful lights for a large audience and feel the joy of music again. For four years I have been trying to sing again. Finally I can speak clearly and I am learning to sing in a new way; I’m looking forward to finally allowing myself to have fun.

Summary: This is a good thing, a way to learn, a chance to honor our little hometown, a chance to share with others. If you are reading this, think of who you could pass this link to. We need so much support. Here is our donation address at PayPal: