Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year & A New Hair Color

Happy New Year to you; as I write this it is a few minutes before midnight, Dec. 31, 2009, here in the Northwest…my daughter in Boston has been living in 2010 for about three hours already. Our trip to Los Angeles is just around the corner, what will this new year bring to us??

Most of the money for our trip has been raised, thanks to so many people; we have a few loans from dear relatives that we are working to pay back and we earned a great deal of cash. Now the adventure seems like a reality and we are working on the details, but they are fun details.

A few weeks ago the three of us went to get our hair styled according to the LA stylist’s evaluation. We decided to stay local and went to a highly recommended salon in our own town. The appointments were made at the same time a press release on us came out in the paper, luckily…the stylists were so very excited for us that they gave us deep discounts.

Maria’s hair grows fast, however it grows at different rates depending on the hair section. As I mentioned in a previous post her hair had been left rather “chunky” when she had me cut it for a “Locks of Love” donation this past summer. Now it was looking more uneven as it grew. The woman at the salon did a marvelous job of trimming the ends so that they blended in together. Now Maria’s long hair looks nicely layered.

James, after I told him the stylist wanted him to grow out his hair, cut his hair. His hair was “bugging” him so he decided to just buzz it all off. He figured it would grow back before January. I just smiled, I figured he was right, well, HOPED, he was right.

He actually looks great with short hair; he was blessed with a nice-shaped head and great cheek bones. His hair did eventually grow a bit, though not as quickly as Maria’s. At our hair appointment the stylist just trimmed around the edges for him. His hair is about 3/4” on top now….and it is starting to “bother” him again. I showed him photos of what the stylists were hoping to do with his hair—Google images for David Archuleta, Rob Pattinson, Taylor Lautner—longish hair.

James sighed a little, and agreed to wait until after January for more self-haircuts.

I am the one that had the major stuff done. I showed my stylist photos of my “assigned” hair style and color. She did a great job blending two colors together to make a deep warm brown color, then cut my hair so it brushes my shoulder and has long sweeping side bangs. I was so happy; shiny hair, it is so easy to style. We really had a great time, so remember “Shop Local” least it worked for us.

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